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Equipes de Recherche

Production Scientifique

Activités Scientifiques

Projets de recherche

Français (FR)

1- D. Mezdour, S. Sahli, "A 3D Monte-Carlo simulation of composite materials", Algerian Symposium on Renewable Energy and Materials (ASREM2020), 16-17 December 2020, Médéa, Algeria.

2- D. Mezdour,  M. Tabellout, S. Sahli, " Carriers mobility determination in PS/PANI films by the potential decay technique", The Fifth  International    Symposium  on  Dielectric Materials  and    Applications  (ISyDMA’5 Virtual  Edition), 15-17  April  2020.  

3- D. Ferkha, D. Mezdour, "Optical and Electrical Properties of ZnO and Co Doped ZnO Thin  Films Prepared by Sol-Gel", The Third International Congress of Quantum Physics and Chemistry (CIPCQ 2019), 04-06 November 2019, Tizi-Ouzou, Algeria,

4- F. Bourib, D. Mezdour, "Temperature and frequency-dependant conductivity of polytyrene/polyaniline composite", International conference on Research to Applications & Markets RAM 2019, 21-23 October 2019, Hammamet, Tunisia, › › ram2019>

5- D. Mezdour, "Polyaniline Based Composite Layers for Photovoltaïc Applications: Thermal and Optical Properties Investigation", The 9th  International Conference on Structural Analysis of Advanced Materials ICSAAM 2019, September 2019, Ischia, Italy,

6- D. Mezdour, "Physical properties of layered composite films: a comparative study", Fourth  International Symposium on Dielectric Materials and Applications  ISyDMA 4 2019,

7- D. Mezdour, " Optical characterization of Polyamide6/Polyaniline films for photovoltaic applications", International Seminar on Mechatronics and Renewable Energies ISMRE'2018, 10-11 December, El-Oued, Algeria.

8- F. Bourib, D. Mezdour, "Thermal behavior of electrical properties of DBSA doped Pani composites: An experimental study", The 6th International Conference on Welding NDT and Materials Industry ICWNDTMI'18, 7-8 November 2018, Skikda, Algeria.

9- D. Mezdour, "Modeling of the Effective Conductivity of a Conductive Composite Material by Resistance Network", International Conference on Nanomaterials and Renewable  Energies ICNRE 2018, 15-17 October 2018. Skikda, Algeria.

10- F. Bourib, D. Mezdour, "AC conductivity measurements of polyaniline composite materials", International Conference Optics and Photonics Algeria OPAL’2018, 5-7 May 2018, Oran, Algéria.

11- F. Bourib, D. Mezdour, "Contribution to the electrical properties study of organic semiconductors for opto-electronic applications", International Symposium on Materials Chemistry, 19-21 Marsh 2018, Boumerdes, Algeria.

12- D. Medour, "Elaboration and Characterization of Polyaniline Based Polymer Composites: a Comparative Study", First International Symposium on Dielectric Materials and Applications  ISyDMA’2016 (Kenitra – Rabat, Maroc), 4-6 Mai 2016.   

13- D. Medour, "Characterization of PANI based composite layers intended for opto-electronic applications", Optics and Photonics Algeria 2015 OPAL2015, 13-14 Décembre 2015.

14-       H. layoul, F. Meriche, A. Boukerika, D. Mezdour, N. Boutaoui, "Structural and optical properties of sol-gel spin-coated Al doped ZnO thin films: Effects of doping concentration", Optics and Photonics Algeria 2015 OPAL2015, 13-14 December 2015, Algiers, Algeria.

15- D. Mezdour, "Caracterisation de films composites polymeres pour des applications dielectriques", 1er congrés national de physique et chimie quantique CPCQ2015 (Tizi-ouzou, Algérie), 31 Mars-02 Avril 2015, p.

16- D. Mezdour, M. Tabellout, S. Sahli, "Dielectric and Electrical Properties of PANI Composite Films", 2014 North African  Workshop on Dielectric Materials for Photovoltaic Systems NAWDMPV'14 (Tlemcen, Algerie), 26-27 Octobre 2014.

17- D. Mezdour, M. Tabellout, S. Sahli, "Elaboration and Electrical Characterization of PA12/ PANI Composite Powders", 1st International Conference on Nanotechnology Communication and Renewable Energy ICNCRE'13 (Jijel, Algérie), 22-23 Septembre 2013, p. 25.

18- D. Mezdour, M. Tabellout, S. Sahli, J.-F Bardeau, "Dielectric properties investigations of polymer composite films", Colloque International sur les Matériaux et le Développement Durable CIMDD2013 (Boumerdes, Algérie), 6-9 mai 2013, p. 61.

19- D.Mezdour, M. Tabellout, S. Sahli, J.-F Bardeau, "Elaboration  of  m-Cresol  Polyamide12/  Polyaniline  composite  films  for  antistatic  applications", Proceedings of abstracts p. 67, 3rd International Advances in Applied Physics & Materials science congress APMAS 2013 (Antalya, Turquie), 24-28 Avril 2013, p. 67.

20- D. Mezdour, M. Tabellout, S. Sahli, "Contribution à l'étude des propriétés électriques des matériaux composites", REncontre des Femmes SCIentifiques MEditéranéennes REFSCIME (Skikda, Algérie), 15-16 Avril 2013, p. 232.

21- D. Mezdour, M. Tabellout, S. Sahli, "Elaboration  and characterization  of  PA12/PANI composite  films", Proceeding of abstracts p. 127, ISSIS 2012 3rd International Symposium on Surface Imaging/Spectroscopy at Solid/Liquid (Cracovie, Pologne), 27 Mai-1 Juin 2012.

22- D. Mezdour, M. Tabellout, C. Vanga Bouanga, S. Sahli, "Dielectric and electrical properties investigation of polyamide/polyaniline composite films", IWNCS 10 10th International workshop on Non Crystalline Solids (Barcelone, Espagne), 21-23 Avril 2010, p.85. 

23- D. Mezdour, S. Sahli, M. Tabellout, "Study of Electrical conductivity in fiber composites" Proceeding of abstracts p.47, Multiphysics 2009, Lille (France) 09- 11 December 2009.

24- D. Mezdour, Salah Sahli, Kateryna Fatyeyeva, Mohamed Tabellout, "Electrical conductivity in PA12/PANI composites", Polychar 17, World Forum on Advanced Materials (Rouen, France), 20 – 24  Avril 2009. 

25- D. Mezdour, M. Tabellout, C. Vanga Bouanga, S. Sahli, "Electrical properties of Polyamide Polyaniline composite films", Dielectrics 2009 Conference, Proceeding of abstracts, P. 48; University of Reading, (U.K), 15- 17 Avril 2009.

26- D. Mezdour, S. Sahli, S. Merabet, "Simulation of Electrical conductivity behaviour in Fiber Composites", International Conference on Materials Discovery and Databases: Materials Informatics and DFT, Oran (Algeria), 11-13 Octobre 2008, p. 101.

27- D. Mezdour, S. Sahli, S. Merabet, "Computational estimation of electrical fiber composite conductivity", 2nd International conference on Electrical Engineering Design and Technologies (ICEEDT 08), Hammamet (Tunisie), 8 – 10 November 2008.

28- D. Mezdour,  S. Sahli, "Simulation de la percolation dans un matériau composite  fibreux", Première Conférence Internationale sur les systèmes Electroniques, Batna (Algérie) 13-14 Décembre 2005, p. 52.

29- D. Mezdour,  S. Sahli, Y. Segui, "Simulation de la percolation dans un matériau composite à base de PVC chargé de particules d’Argent", Premier  congrès  international  sur  le  Génie  Electrique  (CIGE’04),  Sétif  (Algérie),  10-  12 Octobre 2004, p. 467.

30- D. Mezdour,  S. Sahli, Y. Segui, "Simulation de la percolation dans un matériau composite à base de matrices polymériques: Application au PVC/Ag", Proceedings of 3th Conference on Electrical Engineering (Batna, Algérie), 04 -06 Octobre 2004, p. 283.

31- D. Mezdour, S. Sahli, A. Bellel, Z. Ziari, Y. Segui, P. Raynaud, "Study of surface charge decay on PET films treated by corona discharge", Proceedings  of  Algerian  Conference  on  Microelectronics  (ACM'02),  Alger  13-15  Octobre 2002, p. 28.

32- S. Sahli, D. Mezdour, A. Bellel, Y. Segui, P. Raynaud, "Etude de l’implantation de charges électriques par décharge corona sur des films minces de PET" Rencontre internationale IMCES99 (Sidi Bel Abbés, Algérie), 17-18 Mai 1999.

33- Sahli, Y. Segui, A. Bellel, D. Mezdour, "Etude du traitement de film polyéthylène par décharge couronne", Colloque national ELACAM98 (Alger, Algérie), 2-3 Juin 1998.


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